KeyManager is a client side PKI tool for key generation, certificate enrollment, and identity and authority delegation. The KeyManager tool is packaged as “chrome” based Firefox extension and it will assist users in installing certificates at the correct place.Please make sure that you have already installed the Firefox KeyManager before you complete the online request. The detailed information of the Firefox add-on could be found here
Step 1: After accessing the KeyManager’s Page Click “Install Now” or “Add to Firefox“.
Step 2: Accept and install the KeyManager.
Step 3: After completing the Installation, you must restart the Firfox Browser.
Step 4: Now Open the KeyManager Tool Box from Tools->KeyManager Tool Box -> KeyManager.
Step 5: At “Your Keys” tab Click the “Import Cert” button, which will pop-up to new Dialog Window.
Step 6: Select the “Downloaded” File.
Step 7: Will successfully install the public certificates onto the browser.
Step 8: After all completed, please backup your certificate right now and keep it safely.